by Allora McCullough. Select any gallery below to see more.

Bell, Book, & Candle

Setting intentions can be a magical act. From the planning sketches for a work of art to the commitment to join a friend for a cup of coffee, setting intentions is the first step to making something happen or exist in the world. My intention for this exhibition was to create an environment for people to gather and spend time together. I wanted to make a space that felt special, inviting, and somehow disconnected from the chaotic busy-ness of everyday life.

The gold on each piece is a reference to alchemy. Medieval alchemy worked towards the transformation of individual elements into something different from the original source materials. It evokes the quintessential search for a process to turn lead into gold. The production of a ceramic artwork combines all of the elements: earth, air, water, and fire. Combining these elements through the ceramic process with the intention of the artist creates something entirely new that is greater than the mere ingredients. In essence, it is as close to alchemy as people can accomplish.